Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland
Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland
Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland
Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland
ASPEC Construction
SoundDown PAB System, Acoustic Bathroom Pod Pads

Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland


ASPEC Construction

On the back of the successfully offering at the Metlife Kerikeri site, Build Anatomy have reached out to ASPEC construction who are delivering the care building for Metlife in Beachlands which also utilizes CLT floors and Bathroom Pods.

In this case it was decided to stick with the OSB flooring board to top the SoundDown PAB acoustic system, however a coating of Fortitude 150 will also be applied to protect the floor and contribute to E3 compliance.  

Fortitude 150 has also been applied to the CLT structural components to protect them from Auckland’s unrelenting rain while the building is being closed in.

Parties Involved

Metlife Care

Peddlethorp Aiken

ASPEC Construction

Structural Engineer

Acoustic Engineer

Build Anatomy Systems Included

Metlifecare Pohutakawa Landing, Auckland

SoundDown™ PAB

SoundDown™ Pre-Assembled Battens (PAB) simplify the install of raised acoustic floors. It’s efficient, high-performing and cost-effective. The system is versatile with a variety of toppings available, customisable heights and supply & install options available.

More about SoundDown™ PAB

Fortitude 150
  • Protect timber from moisture
  • Simple roll or spray application (no pre-mixing required)
  • Anti-microbial & anti-fungal properties

More about Fortitude 150

Acoustic Bathroom Pod Pads

Constraint: While there are numerous finished floor levels being specified in raised acoustic floors, designers have been left to formulate customised solutions to raise shower bases for each project. These technically solved the problem but weren’t always cost-effective or practical to build.

Response: Build Anatomy developed a proprietary system that can be easily customized to be flush with various floor levels.

SoundDown™ for Mass Timber

  • low profile and raised solutions to allow space for services
  • Pre-assembled components to speed up on-site construction
  • Supply only and supply & install available

More about Acoustic Bathroom Pod Pads

SoundDown™ Duo

Restraint: Lightweight construction has been great in single dwelling units as a cost effective solution, but hearing your kids crashing around upstairs is not the same as hearing the neighbours, especially when you can't just tell them to keep it down.

Response: Build Anatomy developed 2 acoustic floors for lightweight construction depending on performance requirements and floor finishing preferences. SoundDown Duo, a raised floor with granular insulation and SoundDown Solo, a low profile, simple solution for cost driven construction.

DoundDown™ PAB

SoundDown™ Pre-Assembled Battens (PAB) simplify the install of raised acoustic floors. It’s efficient, high-performing and cost-effective. The system is versatile with a variety of toppings available, customisable heights and supply & install options available.

Wiiste Moisture Monitoring

Restraint: Lightweight construction has been great in single dwelling units as a cost effective solution, but hearing your kids crashing around upstairs is not the same as hearing the neighbours, especially when you can't just tell them to keep it down.

Response: Build Anatomy developed 2 acoustic floors for lightweight construction depending on performance requirements and floor finishing preferences. SoundDown Duo, a raised floor with granular insulation and SoundDown Solo, a low profile, simple solution for cost driven construction.

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